可愛又實用的睡眠記錄遊戲 -Pokemon Sleep 新手攻略
最近 Pokemon 又推出了新的遊戲-Pokemon Sleep,可以收集寶可夢又可以記錄睡眠,可愛又實用!今天就來簡單介紹一下身為新手,在玩 Pokemon Sleep 時可以注意些什麼 :P
最近 Pokemon 又推出了新的遊戲-Pokemon Sleep,可以收集寶可夢又可以記錄睡眠,可愛又實用!今天就來簡單介紹一下身為新手,在玩 Pokemon Sleep 時可以注意些什麼 :P
This post introduces something you need to know before go into the Day 24. It only contains the spoiler of the title.
This post introduces the Phone Call Timetable of The Ssum. Including whether there is an incoming or outgoing call, and the requirement to unlock the calls.